
Acupuncture originated in China around 3,000 years ago. It remains one of the oldest and most used therapies in the world, even gaining trust in Western Medicine.

In very simple terms, Chinese Medicine considers illness as the body being out of balance and by gently applying needles to precise points, it activates the body’s own healing abilities to bring it back into balance.

It views prevention and disease in a holistic way, hence all symptoms, physical, mental and emotional are interlinked.

Points are chosen based on each individual’s needs so they probably will be very different for any two people with the same complaint, such as a headache, since the root causes creating the imbalance may be different.

The needles used are extremely thin, sterile and single use. They are generally left in for around 20 minutes. Most patients do not feel the needle, however some will feel a mild pinch on insertion. During treatment many feel very relaxed and will even fall asleep.

If you want to learn more about acupuncture, please see the FAQs section.


Below are some popular examples of ailments that acupuncture has been effectively used to treat. The list is not exhaustive and please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss your particular issue.


-Anxiety, stress, depression and other emotional imbalances


-Breathing issues, such as asthma



-UTI infections, such as cystitis

-Digestive disorders, such as colitis, Crohn’s disease, IBS, abdominal pain

-Musculoskeletal issues, to name a few, sciatica, frozen shoulder, back pain, sprains

-Headaches and migraines



-Support before, during and after pregnancy

-Gynaecological issues, for example PCOS, painful periods, endometriosis

-Menopausal symptoms