Auxiliary Techniques


Cupping uses special sterilized cups that create suction to release tension and improve circulation.

It is a Traditional Chinese Medicine healing therapy, practiced for thousands of years and it helps with pain, inflammation and blood flow. Some people find it very relaxing and soothing.

Using gentle suction, the skin and muscle tissue is pulled upwards, which makes the body send more blood to the area and this stimulates the body’s own healing process. It may leave some bruise like marks on your skin that will fade in the following days / week.



Moxa or moxibustion is a traditional therapy that uses the herb mugwort. This is dried and generally shaped into cones or sticks. These are ignited and placed close to the skin, or used to heat up acupuncture needles, stimulating acupuncture points. This is a slow burning process which creates warmth, not an open flame. I use smokeless sticks and most patients find this quite a soothing and tranquil experience.

It improves circulation, which in turn relieves pain. It boosts vitality and it is widely used for headaches, digestive disorders and in certain cases of infertility as well as being used to encourage breech babies to turn.



Guasha is a technique that uses a small tool generally made out of jade, but it can also be porcelain, plastic or stainless steel. These are smooth and blunt and they are used by doing small repetitive strokes on the face or body, after applying some oil. It is a technique mainly used for pain, as it boosts circulation and this accelerates recovery. Some small red marks may appear, which will disappear in the next few days. Muscles in the area can feel sore for a short while after the treatment.